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BMSB in het kort
Welkom op, hét platform voor de expediteur, verlader, exporteur, importeur, etc. Kortom, voor iedereen die goederen naar Australië of Nieuw-Zeeland exporteert en informatie zoekt over BMSB en behandelmethoden.
De bruingemarmerde stinkwants (brown marmorated stink bug in het Engels, afgekort tot BMSB) is een agrarische plaag inheems in China, Japan, Korea en Taiwan. Om verspreiding en schade aan gewassen, bomen en fruit te voorkomen, eisen Australië en Nieuw-Zeeland dat alle inkomende goederen vrij zijn van BMSB. Goederen die van 1 september tot en met 31 mei worden verzonden, moeten derhalve worden behandeld.
Op deze site vindt u meer informatie, het laatste nieuws, behandellocaties, aanbieders, etc.
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met een behandelaar
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What are the loading requirements?The goods must be suitable for treatment. Heat resistance: The consignment and the package must be suitable for heat treatment. For reaching the desired tempature of 50 or 56 °C, we have to intoduce air from 60-75 °C. Loading & free air space: The consignment must be loaded to allow even distribution of hot air throughout the heat treatment chamber. So there must be a free headspace of min. 50cm and goods must be loaded of the floor (=on pallets) to provide free air space under the target of the heat treatment and to prevent cooling influences from the ground.
What are the prices for treatment?Prices differ per treatment provider
What period should my containers be treated?Goods shipped between 1 September and 30 April need to be treated and will be referred for intervention if they arrive by: 31 May (inclusive) in Australia 30 April (inclusive) in New Zealand
How long does the process take from delivery to closing?The process takes an average of 5 days working days. From delivery to delivery to the export quay.
What information do you need to prepare the certificate?The treatment provider will need the following information for the certificate. Type of treatment, cargo type, country of destination, port of shipment
Do you put the certificate in the Australian portal?No, you as a customer receives this certificate. We do, however, supplement all the necessary information into the portal of the relevant government.
At which locations do you handle the containers?We have a network or treatment providers and treatment locations throughout Europe where treatments can be carried out. This for containers, breakbulk, RO/RO, High and heavy and static cargo
Which goods must be handled and which not?Good are categorised as target high risk goods and will require mandatory treatment. Or are categorized as target risk goods and will not require mandatory treatment. A list of target high risk and risk goods for upcomming season can be found here. Or you can contact us and we can do a compliance check for you
With what reference can we drop off the container?You treatment provider will provide you with a reference by which you can deliver the container at the agreed terminal
Do you bring the container to the export terminal for us?This is included at most providers. Of course this remains dependent on the cargo.
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Service & Contact
Heeft u vragen of wilt u meer informatie over BSMB, de behandeling van BSMB of het exporteren van goederen naar Australië of Nieuw-Zeeland? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen. Er staat een team van experts voor u klaar om uw vragen te beantwoorden. Of we brengen u direct in contact met een behandelaar.